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Consultancy and ancillary services

Liquidation process


We assist companies in the liquidation process. The assistance includes the following:


  • Compilation and submission of documentation to the registry of companies to put company into liquidation;

  • appointment of liquidator;

  • preparation of liquidation accounts, from liquidation date till date of distribution;

  • appointment of an auditor, to perform the audit of the liquidation accounts;

  • compilation of tax return for the year in which company went into liquidation;

  • application with the registry of companies for strike off from companies register; and

  • application with the Inland Revenue Department for tax clearance and follow up.


Preparation of financial statements


We provide assistance in the preparation of financial statements, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), General Accounting Principles for Small and Medium Enterprises (GAPSME), or other ad-hoc accounting frameworks. We also assist in ensuring proper disclosures required by the Companies Act and other regulations.

We also provide assistance to groups of companies in relation to consolidations, including the preparation of consolidated financial statements.


Annual return preparation and BO annual confirmation


All companies incorporated in Malta have to submit the annual return to the Malta Business Registry within 42 days of their anniversary together with the annual registration fee. Companies with at least one corporate shareholder have to prepare and submit the BO annual confirmation to confirm the details of the beneficial owner/s or inform the Malta Business Registry with any changes. When these are due we inform clients and prepare these annual forms for timely submission.


Application for VAT Exo number


We provide assistance in the application for VAT Exo number, and perform system audits to certify that the electronic point of sale is complaint with the VAT Act, which are required for the application of the VAT Exo number.


Share transfers and non-cash capitalisation 


We guide and assist clients during share transfers, together with the completion of the required forms and audit reports. We also perform expert reports as required by the provisions of article 73 of the Companies Act which are required for capitalisation for a consideration other than in cash.

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